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Communauté_de_femmes_Debré Tabor
Omo tribe


Solidarity tourism: Horaires d'ouverture


Thanks to its many advantages and its unique identity, it is becoming an increasingly popular destination for tourism. However, this tourism must be practising with respect for culture, the environment and the local population in order to preserve these wealths.

Solidarity tourism: À propos

Definition of solidarity tourism

A more HUMAN journey

To make a solidarity travel is going to meet, to discover, to exchange and share the daily life of the locals.
There is a real human dimension !

Solidarity tourism: À propos

Economic SUPPORT

The financial spinoffs generated by the stays benefit all the villages by improving the living conditions of its inhabitants. Benefits are reinvested in project development. Thanks to your travels in solidarity you participate strongly in the development of the host region!

You can see in the photos below, the projects that have been implemented in the "Farta Wereda", district located in the region of Amhara, northern Ethiopia, by the French association "Avec l'Ethiopie".

A well water for free service in Dabre Tabor
Tsagler school
Football women's team
Solidarity tourism: À propos

Travel with RESPECT of the local population, its environment and its culture.

"Women on try".JPG

The Mursi

The Mursi are semi-nomadic inhabitants of southern Ethiopia in the Omo Valley. They are one of the last peoples in Africa whose women wear labial (labret) and auricular disk-shaped ornaments, hence their name “women on tray”.

This labret is worn to seduce men, it is a sign of beauty !

Bale Mountain

Bale Mountains

The Bale Mountains are located in the southern part of Ethiopia, about 400 km from the capital, Addis Ababa. They possess magnificent landscapes that are varied and unique in Africa.

The Bale massif is an exceptional ecosystem. You will be surprised by an endemic and rich fauna and flora that exists only in Ethiopia.

And you can make beautiful trekkings off the beaten tracks!

Coffee ceremony

Coffee ceremony, a must-see rite

The preparation of coffee is a ceremony subject to many rituals which differ according to the regions and religions. Women generally prepare this ritual.

It can last hours and its role is to bring people together in a relaxed, comfortable and friendly setting. It often takes place in private homes, hotels and coffee houses. During your trip you will attend this unique ceremony !

Solidarity tourism: Services

Three pillars of solidarity tourism

Solidary tourism, which places the meeting and economic development at the centre of travel, results from a genuine harmony between people (inhabitants, travellers), cultures and the environment.

To meet these commitments, it is based on three pillars: fair trade, international solidarity and the social and solidarity economy.

For the Ethiopian territory, solidarity tourism is a source of human and economic development, it is a real factor for the improvement of the living conditions of local populations.

Les 3 pilliers de fondement du tourisme
Solidarity tourism: À propos


Numerous local travel agencies and associations in France offer tourist tours that very often combine immersion in a village and discovery of tourist attractions.
To give you some circuit ideas, check out the "circuit" page.

Association, agence _TDS Voyages_
monpaystours 1.png
Solidarity tourism: Inventaire

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